I'm sure nobody had any idea that the Iraq War was unfounded before this, but it's official: Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi (codenamed Curveball, because them foreigners got those dang hard-ta-pronounce names) completely fabricated evidence of WMD's in Iraq.


As the New York Times article points out, even before the 2003 Invasion, Janabi's claims were considered untrustworthy, but suspicions were ignored by the Bush Administration and top C.I.A. officials.

SO. No more beating around the bush. Or his excuses. (See what I did there?) It's all very obvious. The United States invaded Iraq because we are oil-hungry, self-righteous, democratic peace theory-mongers.

It's not to say that Hussein wasn't a horrible dictator, and that the Iraqi people were better off under his tyrannic rule, but it's very clear that security threats and "liberation" weren't the true causes of our interference. Just look at Rwanda, or Darfur, or Egypt, or any other country ruled by harsh dictatorial law.

Why didn't the United States intervene during the Rwandan genocide? Because Rwanda has nothing of interest to us. Darfur? War, slavery, exploitation, and mass murder for years. Has the US sent in troops to erect democracy? No. 30 year rule in Egypt, dictators in Yemen and Bahrain, crazies running Iran, trying to build nukes, and America hasn't done anything.

Iraq must feel so special.