I guess Mubarak is dumber than I thought. Earlier today, Mubarak stated that he would not bow down to foreign powers, and he is transferring the Presidency to the Vice-President in order to keep chaos from erupting.

Ok. When your presence in power causes revolt and general chaos, and you go on the air saying that you won't leave because you don't want chaos, you're just a douche.

It hardly needs to be said that people in Egypt are even more irate than before. The Vice President and the President are nearly one and the same. If this isn't resolved soon, violence will almost certainly come into play. The Military might even stage a Guardian coup (in which the military takes over, then transitions power to a civilian-elected official). That's all dangerous, though, especially when the opposition is saying that only the Military can save the country. Grow up and get out already!

It's just getting ridiculous.