I have already discussed the sudden and brutal attack on our nation's unions and teachers. Before, it was a moral argument held up by strong beliefs in the rights of our working citizens. Now, however, it is personal.

I recently discovered that in my home state of Ohio, Governor Kasich has proposed a budget he calls the "Robin Hood Bill". It is, in fact, a total mockery of any sort of values the mythic Robin Hood possessed. While Robin Hood stole money from greedy nobleman (who had, in truth, stolen their riches from the poor), Governor Kasich is advocating taking money away from our public schools in order to share it around, communist style. In fact, our school (which is funded 95% by our community tax dollars) will lose $54 million dollars over the next ten years! That's nearly 20% of our budget. That's nearly 40 teachers lost, every year.

Our high school is the best public school in the state of Ohio. There's a reason for that, mainly a strong blend of academic success, athletic ability, and excellent musicianship. If the Governor's bill passes, our school will quickly become mediocre. I don't want that for my community (or my sister, who is still attending high school). So, I have written a letter to the Representatives of my state, and posted it on facebook. Maybe I'll post it here as well. We'll see if anything comes of it.

I encourage those of you from Ohio to do the same! And even if you aren't from the greatest state in the USA, make sure to pay attention to what is happening to your old high schools - your experiences during high school make up a large part of who you are today, and you don't want the most positive aspects of your primary education forcibly removed by the crusade to end debt in the most damaging way possible!

EDIT: This quote brought to you by my music instructor, Mr. Kline:
"Remember when teachers, public employees, NPR and PBS crashed the stock market, wiped out half of our 401Ks, took trillions in TARP money, spilled oil in the Gulf of Mexico, gave themselves billions in bonuses, and paid no taxes?
Yeah, me neither."